

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses  53   deg. F  meteor showers
Dear Phil,

THANK YOU for your beautiful poetry.  I am printing it out to share with
my caregivers and friends later this morning.

You've certainly given all of us a  great gift. The poem VOICES sent
chills of recognition right through me!


On Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:58:04 -0400 Philip McCrillis <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi!  I'm  new to this network. I'm enjoying reading all the
> I wrote a couple of poems about my PD experience. I thought I would
>them.  Not literary classics, but some of you might find them
>Phil McCrillis
>The voices tell me "Wait,
>Don't try that yet."
>Or they say
>"Maybe you can't"
>Or ask
>"Do you know how?"
>And  when I listen to them,
>and their voice is soft and kind,
>my steps begin to hesitate into that familiar shuffle
>where my feet do not want to go forward
>even though they know very well how
>after all these years.
>And clothes,
>especially socks,
>seem not to want to come on my body
>because my hands do not know how to call them
>And I seem to forget how to turn over in bed,
>how to start that task
>Even signing my very familiar name
>has a how-to-start question attached
>and as I type my fingers do not seem to want to get to the keys.
>And I sink into the voices
>But I have learned not to listen to the voices,
>at least most of the time.
>Their quiet gentle invitation to be crippled
>Because, make no mistake,
>that is what they want
>They are not friends hoping I will rest
>Soothing me when I am stressed
>They are the enemy
>Who want me to slip into death
>Not real death,
>that would be all right
>But fearful, hesitant death
>That takes life away just as surely ,
>But with no promise of any kind of heaven
>They would love me into dull-eyed shuffling existence
>If they could
>But they cannot
>I will not die their funny death for them
>I will live boldly in spite of them
>I will not fear life for them
>I will live it for me and those I love.
>This funny sickness has me again in its grip.
>It does not make me bleed but rather twitch
>It does not give me pain but rather shakes
>It shakes and twitches me so I cannot sleep
>It reminds me quickly if I have not exercised
>When I think the fork won't tremble it does
>But not when I think it will ...strange!
>It is like it exists on its own
>causing my body to betray itself
>to me
>and to the others
>who pity while I burn with annoyance and embarrassment
>Sometimes it is all right
>Sometimes it is not
>And today is one of those
>My body annoying me with its insistence and drumming
>Tensing on its own
>Making me feel tense when I am not
>Reminding me of its long term grinding presence
>That will never go away
>Until I leave it
>to go away.
>It is true that shit happens
>It is true that I am learning from it all
>It is true that I am little impeded
>In my journey, wherever I am going
>But today I'd rather walk there than shuffle
>I'd rather have handshakes than hands shake
>I favor eating the things on my fork or spoon
>Rather than spraying them on myself or the room
>Sleep seems preferable to twitching
>All in all, Lord, I think it,
>In the words of the Bard,