

Phil Gesotti wrote:
> Being an expert on weight-loss programs (well I try), I know the >importance of drinking 64 ounces of water a day. Unfortunately, the >Permax sometimes unsettles my stomach and I end up drinking caffeinated >sugared soft drinks.

You're right, fluids are very important -- to us all, and more so for
those with PD. Water is the best choice. However, have you tried half a
ginger ale plus a graham cracker for nausea/upset stomach? If you drink
plenty of water througout the day, some ginger ale should be OK.

> The caffeine is a diuretic and the soft drinks contain salts.

Soft drinks contain phosphate; calcium and phosphate must maintain a
balance in the blood. There is some medical debate as to whether high
serum phosphorus levels can lead to leaching of calcium from the bones,
as the body attempts to balance the phosphorus, and whether this might
partly account for some cases of osteoporosis.

I doubt that an occasional soft drink is problematic, but I most
definitely believe use should be limited. Water is a much better choice.
I hope you'll continue in this very wise choice.

Best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
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