

Hopelessness Linked To Progression Of Carotid Atherosclerosis

WESTPORT, Aug 26 (Reuters) - Personal failure, or hopelessness, appears to
have the same detrimental effects on the heart as smoking a pack of
cigarettes a day, according to findings published in the August issue of
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.

Dr. Susan A. Everson of the California Public Health Foundation in Berkeley
and colleagues there and in Finland used data collected in a 4-year
follow-up of patients enrolled in The Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk
Factor Study to re-examine a recently reported link between "hopelessness"
and cardiovascular disease.

"This study demonstrates that a high level of hopelessness exacerbates the
atherosclerotic process in middle-aged men," Dr. Everson and colleagues
report. Specifically, the researchers found that men reporting high levels
of hopelessness at baseline had an almost 20% greater increase over time in
intima-media thickening compared with men with low to moderate levels of
hopelessness. Moreover, the most hopeless male study subjects also
experienced 10% greater progression in plaque height during the study
relative to men with lower hopelessness scores.

"This is the same magnitude of increased risk that one sees in comparing a
pack-a-day smoker to a nonsmoker," Dr. Everson points out in an American
Heart Association press release.

The authors observed that hopelessness was associated with all measures of
baseline [intima-media thickening] progression used, and Dr. Everson thinks
that "...hopelessness exacerbates the mechanisms that contributed to
increased arterial wall thickening but may be less important in the initial
atherosclerotic process."

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997;17:000-000.
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Copyright 1997 Reuters Limited.

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