

I had to go to the other side of the building today.
That would not have been such a bad thing
except for the reports I had to carry with me.
My meds were not working all that well and I
was just to stubborn to ask someone to take them
over there for me.
I started what would turn into a childhood story.
I had read that story when I was very small.
I'm sure every child has read it, or something like it,
and like I did, filed it away as something that made
a nice story but would never be relevant to real life.
As I left my office I muttered to myself  "I think I can
do this".  Three turns later I was repeating "I think I
can" as I made my unsteady way down the hall. After
ten minutes I was somewhat surprised to find myself at
my destination and looking forward to the return trip
determined not to get stuck. Half way back to my office
I began to believe I was going to make it.  Somewhere
along the way I'd switched to "I know I can". It sounds
a bit silly now, at three in the morning, unable to sleep.
But it's the little victories that help keep me going from
one day to the next.
