

I am so happy Nancy came through the surgery and PD problems associated.  She
is so fortunate to have her family and you of course.
My Parkie has 'Parkinson Plus'--he has always leaned to the right since
diagnosis but now is really bent to the right.  Result--bad sciatica at times
to the point of the MD perscribing Vicodan for a brief period.  He is 76 and
had PD for 11 years and no mention of surgery from his Drs.  I took him to an
Orthopod on my own and no recommendation from him except physical therapy.
 After the PT held him striaight for several minutes at a time, his pain
worsened and we quit that approach.
I feel sure Nancy will benefit-as a nurse I've seen the Harrington Rod (I
believe that is the name) insertion with good results especially in young
people with scoliosis.
Good luck
Mary CG for Mel 76/11