

Hi Folks:

I thought that I would share a pleasant experience concerning mail order
pharmacies.  I recently embarked on a search for a drug (Akineton) which has
been discontinued by the manufacturer.  Since I could not find it locally
(here in Virginia, USA) I searched the web.  On the web, I stumbled on about
five different mail order pharmacies none of which I had heard of.  Hence, I
didn't know who to trust.

One pharmacy came through for me - U-SAVE.  Their web address is

They went out of their way to help, calling me with questions.  They put in
an order and managed to get hold of a limited amount of Akineton.  It was
mailed to me immediately.  They called my doctor to verify the prescription.
This was an all around pleasant experience (execpt they had problems
coordinating the fax machine).  This is not an advertisement.  I am not
saying anything negative about the other guys who advertise on the web since
I never used them.  Nor can I comment on the U-Save prices.  I had nothing
to compare with.

Just in case you are looking for a discount mail-order pharmacy, you might
want to give these guys a chance.  At least they are real.

                Ron Reiner (49/2)