

> 2nd question: Lynne is on a cholestrol drug (lescol) which seems to mak=
> her weak to the point of crying. Can any body shed some light on  this.=

> Her weakness accompanies depression. Or is the depression causing the
> weakness.
> =

> Henry Guttentag CG for wife 63/9

Dear Henry,
Serious side effects with fluvastatin include:
=95muscle aches or cramps
=95unusual tiredness or weakness
Call your doctor as soon as you can if you get any of these side

Minor side effects with fluvastatin include:
=95difficulty sleeping
=95joint pain
=95muscle soreness after exercise
=95nausea, vomiting
=95stomach upset or pain
Let your doctor know about these side effects if they do not go away or
if they annoy you.

What do I need to watch for while I take fluvastatin?
Visit your doctor for regular checks on your progress. You will need to
have regular tests to make sure your liver is working properly.

Tell your doctor as soon as you can if you get any unexplained muscle
pain, tenderness, or weakness, especially if you also have a fever and

I think it would be best to call her doctor and report her weakness. My
very best regards,

-- =

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
and NUTRITION TOPICS copy-ready handouts
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538