

Due to circumstances beyond my control,I don't respond to many  letters on
the PD listserve.I feel that your letter does need a response.
What I would like to say to you is that you CANNOT let the PD Monster get
It may not be what you want to hear,but..You have to accentuate the
positive...eliminate the negative..and don't mess
with...dum.dee.dum.dee..dum.Oh,you know what I mean!
I hope that you are feeling better by the time this letter gets to you.Being
YOUNG and being a "PARKY" isn'y all that bad.Things could be worse.(you may
not think so now,but it's true) right? How about writing to your congressman
about your situation?What about your local support group? If there isn't one
START ONE! I did!!!How about just getting out ENJOYING the sunshine!!! The
mornings are beautiful where you live!Open those pearly eyes of yours! God
 works in mysterious ways...Come on now  :-)    Don't think about what
was...Think about what could be..if only you give  it a chance. :-)
Gotta go now.Off to check out  a local college for our Symposium on Sept.
You go and have a GREAT DAY!!and remember..I'm watching you !
Deb Z.