


YOUSA!!!!  I salute the master! <---- Barb humbly bows, exhibiting suitable
respect for the penultimate Hemingway take-off) <giggle>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of [log in to unmask]
Sent:   Friday, September 05, 1997 1:44 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Hemingway, a clean, cheap shot (it's not)

The small man in the pleated vest put the drugs on the table in the center of
the table.   The old parkinsonian opened them

The younger shook his head.  It ached like a dry gourd in the hot Andalusian
sun.  He reached for a flask of wine.  He was already tight as a butt joint
 in a Shaker cabinet.  Nobody gave any orders; especially the other
parkisonians in the room.

He reached and then his arm fell.  He remembered the times in the woods as a
youth, when killing was still a clean thing.  Now he faced the Senate Health
and Human Services Committee.  He had beautiful hair; it shimmered across his

"It isn't good for you to drug alone," the old one said.  "You mustn't do

"OK, you're right"

"You're vicious about control issues."

"I know what is good.  I know the sweet spot on a representative's agenda,
the spot where pressure will work.   I can feel the hollow in a CR tablet's
center where a clean shot will break it into two whole pieces."

"You  have no right to say that, you've already taken your sinemet without

"It's done.  Things will coagulate"

Outside a dry wind like the spittle in a dying man's throat rattled down the
2nd story stairs above them and split the dry ground with dust.

"We can't go on this way."

"It's only a clinical depression."

"3 hours and you can have more sinemet"



"nyaah nyaaha nyaah nyaah."