

Excuse this use of the listserv for a message to Stan, but I don't think
I'm reaching his e-mail.

Stan--I sent a message on April 9 re all the good writing news...must
have sent it in my sleep because I said something like  "let me know if
you get this."  I didn't hear but didn't resend.  When I saw your test
message it jogged my memory and I sent a quick message over the weekend.
Am I getting through?

Bummer of a summer, just when you were flush with the writing--@$##%$@#@
is all I can say.  Will keep you in our prayers and hope the back surgery
goes well--what do they do for herniated discs? (I have two that are
deteriorating and give me big problems sometimes; that's why I ask.)

Hope you can solve your computer problems soon and that it doesn't affect
using the word processing program--though it doesn't sound like you've
had time to do much writing with  your moving (2x in a year qualifies you
for sainthood),  wedding and medical problems.

Let me know when you can if you are receiving personal e-mail.

Kathy Kunz
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