

Barbara Mallut wrote:

> Thanks, Joao Paulo.... to be considered in the same league as
> Hemingway is
> indeed an honor,  tho I doubt he ever wrote about PD! <grin>

Yes,I think too that it is a honor to Hemingway to be compared as close
to you and imagine he never wrote about PD....  :-))

BTW,I noticed that your mail is dated Saturday 17:28 but only this
morning Tuesday it has arrived here.It is possible that the clock(date)
of your computer is not rigth ?

> CQ10 is the nickname of "Coenzyme Q10," which is a nutrient found in
> cells
> (quoting from the bottle).  High concentrations are found in the heart
> and
> muscles.  It's SUPPOSED to boost your memory and make your mind
> sharper (or
> something like that) <ok....ok... so this isn't exactly a scientific
> review).
> It's an over-the-counter supplement.

So I understand it is sold in drug stores under the name CQ10  freely ??
Is it expensive ?

> I've been taking CQ10 for about 5 months and found within 3 or 4 days,
> noticing that generally I felt better overall.

If you say so I am inclined for a trial.(BTW only between us, how many
shares do you have  in this company ....  :-), hey! don't curse me ! I
was just kidding....)

> Sending a hug your way....

I caught it,enjoyed it and return a biger one now in your way....

> | Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
>    |         [log in to unmask]     |
>          +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+