

Dear List Members!

I like it when people ask me difficult questions!

Ida Kamphuis wished me welcome to the List with the following question:
"Will you be capable in the future to do your job and will that be safe
for heart patients in K=F6benhavn(Copenhagen) and if not what else can yo=
possibly do=94?
I have already asked me the questions. In the beginning of this year, I
decided to use 1997 to find the answers. But it is not that easy!.
After  8 months are gone, I have not come much closer to the answers. I
know I am capable to do my job today, but not without minor problems.

I love my job as perfusionist(heart-lung-machine), to be a member of the
Heart Team, where nobody  can replace me. The job is unpredictable, no
mistakes are accepted and  I can't expect help if there  are problems.
Other key-words are flexibility, high speed, stress, react fast, think
like a computer, precision and perfection. Not the perfect job if you
have PD.

I know that my career as perfusionist is limited.

But how to know when to say stop?  I will prefer not to have a major
accident before I understand!

My job is not unique. Many of you must have been in a similar situation.
I will be very glad if you cheer your experiences with me. What made you
take the decision to retire or to change job?

I know I have to take all the decisions by myself. But I have all my
life found it valuable to listen to others experiences and advises.

Look forward to hear from you!

Hallvard (Soerensen)