

The Senate hearings these past three days were dramatic, aggravating,
and even comical. There are a number of Members I would like to send "cruising"
(below deck! with long oars in their hands)on the famed PD ship/boat.

I thought you may be interested in some data to add to your ever-growing


S. Amdt. 1074  - McCain/Wellstone amendment to S. 1061

 (Purpose: To provide for the establishment of a program for research
           and training with respect to Parkinson's disease)

Rollcall results:


NAYS--3 - Enzi, Ashcroft, Jeffords

NOT VOTING--2  - Inouye, Murkowski

S. Amdt. 1077  -  COATS (AND NICKLES) AMENDMENT NO. 1077 to S. 1061

  Mr. COATS (for himself and Mr. Nickles) proposed an amendment to the
bill, S. 1061, supra; as follows:

       At the end of the appropriate place, insert the following:
       Sec.   . Limitaton on Use of Funds.--Notwithstanding any
     other provision of law, none of the amounts subject to the
     provision of subsection (e) of the Morris K. Udall
     Parkinson's Research Act of 1997'' may be expended for any
     research that utilizes human fetal tissue, cells, or organs
     that are obtained from a living or dead embryo or fetus
     during or after an induced abortion. This subsection does not
     apply to human fetal tissue, cells, or organs that are
     obtained from a spontaneous abortion or an ectopic pregnancy.

Rollcall Results:

     Abraham, Allard, Ashcroft, Bennett, Bond, Brownback, Burns,
     Coats, Coverdell, Craig, D'Amato, DeWine, Domenici, Enzi,
     Faircloth, Frist, Gorton, Gramm, Grams, Grassley, Gregg,
     Hagel,Hatch, Helms, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Inhofe,  Kempthorne,
     Kyl, Lott, Nickles, Roberts, Santorum,Sessions, Shelby,Smith (NH),
     Thomas, Thompson

Akaka,Baucus, Biden,Bingaman, Boxer, Breaux, Bryan, Bumpers,Byrd,Campbell,
     Cleland, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Daschle, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin,
     Feingold,Feinstein,Ford,Glenn, Graham, Harkin, Hollings,Inouye,Jeffords,
     Johnson,Kennedy, Kerrey, Kerry, Kohl,Landrieu, Lautenberg,Leahy,Levin,
     Lieberman,Lugar,Mack,McCain,McConnell,Mikulski,Moseley-Braun, Moynihan,
     Murray, Reed,Reid,Robb, Rockefeller, Roth,Sarbanes,Smith (OR),Snowe,
     Specter,Stevens, Thurmond,Torricelli,Warner,Wellstone, Wyden

     Chafee, Murkowski




       The Senator from Indiana [Mr. Coats], for himself and Mr.
     Frist, proposes an amendment numbered 1075.

  Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that further
reading of the amendment be dispensed with.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.
  The amendment is as follows:
       On page 49, after line 26, add the following:

    comprehensive independent study of nih research priority setting

       Sec.   . (a) Study by the Institute of Medicine.--Not later
     than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the
     Secretary of Health and Human Services shall enter into a
     contract with the Institute of Medicine to conduct a
     comprehensive study of the policies and process used by the
     National Institutes of Health to determine funding
     allocations for biomedical research.
       (b) Matters To Be Assessed.--The study under subsection (a)
     shall assess--
       (1) the factors or criteria used by the National Institutes
     of Health to determine funding allocations for disease
       (2) the process by which research funding decisions are
       (3) the mechanisms for public input into the priority
     setting process; and
       (4) the impact of statutory directives on research funding
       (c) Report.--
       (1) In general.--Not later than 6 months after the date on
     which the Secretary of Health and Human Services enters into
     the contract under subsection (a), the Institute of Medicine
     shall submit a report concerning the study to the Committee
     on Labor and Human Resources and the Committee on
     Appropriations of the Senate, and the Committee on Commerce
     and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of
       (2) Requirement.--The report under paragraph (1) shall set
     forth the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the
     Institute of Medicine for improvements in the National
     Institutes of Health research funding policies and processes
     and for any necessary congressional action.
       (d) Funding.--Of the amount appropriated in this title for
     the National Institutes of Health, $300,000 shall be made
     available for the study and report under this section.

  Mr. SPECTER. Madam President, the amendment offered by the
distinguished Senator from Indiana is acceptable to this side of the
aisle. It calls for a study which I think is well-founded, and we are
prepared to accept it.
  I commend my colleague from Indiana for offering the amendment.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to amendment
numbered 1075, offered by the Senator from Indiana.
  The amendment (No. 1075) was agreed to.

Source: S.Amdmt 1074, 1075
[Congressional Record: September 3, 1997 (Senate)]
[Page S8710-S8720]
>From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []

Source: S. Amdmt 1077
[Congressional Record: September 4, 1997 (Senate)
[Page S8772-S8782]
>From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []

At 09:58 AM 9/6/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Did Kyl abstain or vote "aye?"  (Where's the list?)
>Ironic, Enzi r eplaced Simpson, one of Udall's more glorious champions,
>whose support came from watching his father die of the disease, who openly
>wept before 2,000 at a Udall tribute here a few years back.  Such are the
>vagaries of life.
Margaret Tuchman (55yrs, Dx 1980)- NJ-08540
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