

On Mon 08 Sep, Hallvard wrote:
> Dear List Members!
> I like it when people ask me difficult questions!
> Ida Kamphuis wished me welcome to the List with the following question:
> "Will you be capable in the future to do your job and will that be safe
> for heart patients in K=F6benhavn(Copenhagen) and if not what else can you
> possibly do=94?

Hello Hallvard,  When you wrote your first email, I, like Ida, found myself
wondering about whether you should continue in your present job, with the=20
associated risk to the patient. I find myself wondering what your colleagues
think is happening. (You may think they have not noticed, but I suspect that=20
they will have noticed, and are probably very worried.

My experience may be helpful;  I had a fairly high pressure job as an=20
Engineer which I loved. Eventually I decided that it was time to step down=20
out of the firing line (All my fellow workers were fully aware of my PD)
Looking back, some months later, it was clear to me that I should have=20
stopped about 3 to 6 months earlier - the reduction in stress was wonderful,
and I think that we need to be a little bit selfish, and go for what YOU
want, rather than what others may say.
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>