

I'm confused.  Are the two excerpts quoted below saying the opposite of each
other?  Can someone pull the info on serotonin, dopamine, tryptophan, B
complex, etc. together?

">>>>>>>>>..........I quote briefly the following for what it's worth:
"There is both experimental and clinical evidence to suggest a role for
serotonin in Parkinson's disease. Inpatients with PD, the concentration of
total serotonin in CSF had significant negative correlations with Hoehn &
stages, and the severity of rigidity, akinesia, and gait
tryptophan and papaverine, interacting with levadopa, may aggravate motor
oms in a parkinsonian patient ,but their capacity to induce parkinsonism by
mselves is uncertain."   This suggests to me that one who is taking levadopa
should be careful of tryptophan.  Do others have info aboutthis
Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>"............It is when the body's
Serotonin levels drop that patients
develop more serious akinetic symptoms...
................ It is for
these reasons that physicians prescribe
SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors) such as Prozac, Paxil, and
Zoloft.  In addition to these
medications, Dr. Iacono recommends that
all his patients take a B-complex
vitamin AT NIGHT along with a Banana.
Banana's, turkey, and peanuts are foods
rich in tryptophan, a precursor of
Serotonin which requires B vitamins to
produce Serotonin.........."
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Thanks to all who are helping me sort this out.  It leads to other questions
which I've had for some time, which perhaps will follow for discussion.  I
agree with Phil Tompkins statement, "....Understanding PD gives me a sense
(or illusion?) of control......"        Mary Legan