

Ken and Hallvard

If Hallvard had been from the USA instead of from Denmark, I would not have
asked him this difficult question, without showing to understand possible
financial considerations.
But, although I don't know exactly how the arrangements are in Denmark,
I do know that it is in this respect not very different from Holland.
Your advice to young and healthy people to buy all the insurances they can get,
is followed collectively, by our social security systems.
Nevertheless I fully understand it can be very tough to have to give up work,
which did give pleasure. I agree with you, Ken, that being highly motivated can
compensate for some problems. But, not for all. Hallvard, your profession is a
vulnerable one in this respect.
Hallvard, in my opinion you should talk this over with your neurologist, if he
is a person you trust. If not, find someone else who is trustworthy and who has
some emotional distance. Persons who have to take this kind of decisions for
themselves may be capable of denying to an unbelievable extent. I know this
because I was absolutely amazed about the denying I myself did.

                                                   Ida Kamphuis, Holland.
                                                        [log in to unmask]

 in bericht <[log in to unmask]>, KEn Becker
<[log in to unmask]> schreef:

> Brian, I pretty much agree with what you told Hallvard, but there are a
> couple of things to consider.  He is very concerned about doing the best job
> he can, whereas there are many people in the workforce who have no medical
> problems, but due to careless attitudes, or indiference, may not do their job
> as well as he is doing his.  I would hope that his superiors, and his
> co-workers would not let him continue, if they thought he was endangering
> patients, unless THEY are among the careless or indifferent population!  The
> other problem,  he may need to keep the job until the very last minute, due
> to financial needs. How many people work JUST for the feeling of doing a good
> job, and don't need the money?  This is a wake up call for anyone who is
> still young, healthy or both :Buy all the insurance for health and disability
> that you can afford, and save, invest, and grow as much money for the future,
> as you can!  It's nice to have luxuries now, but nothing is worse than not
> getting the best medical care, or being able to pay your bills when
> Parkinson's or any other disabling condition occurs.  Ken B