

hi stephan

i guess i asked for it didn't i?

>>for advice or hints or harangues or whatever else it might
>>be that families do in such picklish situations . . . . . . .

>Now, come on, we should all have your problems, living
>on an archipelago in the Atlantic ocean . . . . .

we don't have pain and depression and hatred here?
this place is populated by human beings too
the palm trees aren't always greener

>we are a captive audience of PD junkies.  I don't think that
>translates as publishable literature.

my fanmail's been telling me different
i'm not interested in being 'published' as such anyway

>A word of advice on writing though - try punctuation, use
>capitalization, make paragraphs out of single thoughts . . .
>the stream of consciousness approach may have worked for
>T.S. Eliot and James Joyce, but it's been done.  The world is
>moving into the 21st Century.

tell that to my muse
i've had no say in all this
it may have something to do with my picky designer eye
no caps and punctuation were a development all on their own
maybe it's partly due to the ease of typing without that darn shift key

thanks for your comments, bro

your syber-sis


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