

Dear Ivan --

Sorry that this problem with NPF is getting to you so hard. Might be best
if you can consign it to history and "move on" -- i.e., even though it may
have been an injustice (and a costly one), don't let it pull you down.
Move on to better, more positive NEW things.

However, if you want to pursue it, my suggestion again is: consult a good
lawyer and see if you do still have a fightable case. For example, you say
that Small Claims Court is out, because of the travel that would have to
be involved. Maybe so -- but if you perhaps have a lawyer who is based in
Florida *represent you in court* there, you may not have to travel at all.

That aside, perhaps (and I'm guessing here) you might have a legitimate
*Federal* claim, as opposed to a *State* claim, to make. A good lawyer can
tell you if this might be so. I don't know the rules, but maybe that
approach would also remove the "travel obstacle".

If I were you, I'd pursue all possible avenues of obtaining good
professional advice as to whether you do or don't have a case, and as to
what to do about it. But I would also try hard to break free of the
negativity that this admittedly unjust situation has brought to you
-- You're worth a lot more to yourself, and to other good people, if you
allow yourself to "let go"-- even for a little bit -- so that you can also
turn your energies toward more productive new challenges.
