

FYI....For those who are interested, I had my initial appointment with Dr.
David Pitts at Kaiser Sunset (Metropolitan) today to discuss having him do the
collagen injections into my vocal cords when they're again needed.

I was pleased to hear from Dr. Pitts that he had learned the process from Dr.
Gerald Berke of UCLA Med Center - the physician who performed the original
collagen injections I had done last May 19 (or maybe that was the 16th?)
<whatever....> (grin)

The initial injections usually last from 3 to 5 months, and I've noticed that
occasionally over the last 2 weeks that my voice "fades" every 3 or 4 days for
a coupla-three hours at a time (in other words, it kinda reverts to what it
had been prior to my getting the collagen injections - faint and whispy).

Dr. Pitts and I both agreed that my body must be absorbing the collagen now,
and because of that he's planned to do the next series of injections on Oct.
8.  Hereafter, it's expected that each pair of injection SHOULD last several
months longer than that original 3 to 5 months.  Over all, I got a good four+
months (and they're still mostly working ok) outta the first injections -
pretty darn acceptable in my opinion.

Over all, this simple 5 minute, painless procedure has been VERY beneficial.
Not only beneficial in restoring my voice to "normal," but in also helping my
breathing a lot - an unexpected bonus!

BTW.. Dr. Pitts and I shared a good laugh at my expense, as he'd apparently
seen a number of our L.A. area Parkies since I posted that Kaiser Sunset
provides the collagen injections - They'd all claimed that a "Barb M." had
referred them to him, and he had nooooo idea who THAT was... till today!

As always, if I can answer any questions about the collagen injections into
the vocal cords, please don't hesitate to drop me an email.

(Please keep in mind tho, I only know about the injections because I've had
'em.  I'm not a physician or speech therapist.  I know nothing about
conventional speech therapy or the Lee Silverman method,

Barb Mallut
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