

Tom and other listparkies

First congratulations on your positive reaction on mirapex.

I am amazed again about something else than the subject of the mail is about.
Thinking about differences between freezers and tremblers, young and old onset,
suffering from end of dose dyskinesia or not, in the mail of Tom the huge dosis
of sinemet struck me. I myself have never used more than 300 - 400 mg each 24
hours. And this dose I did use already during the first year of my illness,
which is in itself surely progressive. My invalidity has grown slowly but
I ask myself whether this could be another difference and if so whether it is
another dichotomy:the "stuckers on one dose" and the "steady growers". I don't
know of any literature about it. Is there anyone among us who can say something
about this.
Now I'am talking about meds dose I have another question: how does the dose
relates to body weight? Is it irrelevant as far as dopamine is concerned or
does it have any relation.
There is yet another difference which I can't remember having ever been
mentioned explicitly. It is about the influence of sleep. Some PWP's (and I am
one) feel relatively well after some hours of sleep. Even if I use my last
med's at six in the evening I have no trouble getting up in the morning. Not
long ago the subject of "how do you manage to leave your bed in the morning"
was a topic. For some PWP's this is not a problem.
I hope somebody knows of literature on the mentioned differences among PWP's or
has thoughts about it.

                         Ida kamphuis, Holland
                                    [log in to unmask]

> At the same time I began reducing my sinemet and titrating myself off of
> parlodel. I was taking 15 tabs of sinemet cr 50/200 a day and some times 18
> when staying up late.  After about ten days I was still having no
> difficulty tolerating the mirapex and I had completely discontinued taking
> the parlodel.  At this point I yielded to my impatience and began
> increasing my dose of mirapex more rapidly.  Today is about 3 weeks after
> beginning this trial and I am up to 3.75 mg per day total mirapex.  But
> what I find truly amazing is that for 3 days now I have not taken any
> sinemet!  It seems the mirapex must be potentiating my own endogenous
> dopamine.  I am also "on" all the time.  In fact I wake up "on"" in the
> morning. I have had PD for 16 years and have taken sinemet in one form or
> another for over 14 years so this is truly amazing to me.  My problems with
> speech have improved markedly although I still have difficulty with
> freezing.  Also, my sleep has returned to essentially normal whereas before
> I had great difficulty falling asleep (sometimes would lay in bed for
> several hours without falling asleep and wake up in the morning very tired.
> Now I fall asleep quickly and wake up alert.
> regards,
> tom