

Fellow *Parkie* in FL - diagnosed 14yrs. ago.  I started with symetrel, and
Permax. Moved to Sinemet many yrs ago.  Tried Sinemet CR. caused severe
hallucinations. Had to go back to 25\100. Now taking 2 every two hours for
total of 14 per day. Very hard to regulate to eliminate the *off* and *on*
effect.  I find if I go over 16 per day the hallucinations come back.  That
is probably one of the things that you will moniter quite closely.  you might
try backing off by just 1 pill per day  for 3 days. this helped me a lot.
 Then I can go back to my regular amount.  Neurologist tells me it is a
*build up *in the system.
welcome to our group.  It has helped me tremendously.  God bless you all.
Jim in Dunedin