

Study shows how loving moms make their children calmer as adults

WASHINGTON (September 12, 1997 00:27 a.m. EDT) - Babies cuddled and touched
by their moms grow up to be calmer and better-adjusted adults, researchers
said on Thursday, and now they think they know why: It's because the
cuddled kids grow up producing lower levels of stress hormones.

Michael Meaney and colleagues at McGill University in Montreal, Canada,
said tests on rats showed babies who got more attention from their mothers
grew up with better responses to stress, and had measurable differences in
brain hormones.

Reporting in the journal "Science," they said the findings could translate
to humans and urged studies to see if this was true.

"Maternal behavior regulates the activity of certain genes in certain areas
of the brain, which in turn influences an animal's response to stress,
which in turn regulates their vulnerability to stress-related disease,"
Meaney said in a telephone interview.

"Does this pathway exist in our own species? If you look at the
relationship between stress and disease, we know that producing very high
levels of stress hormones promotes the development of heart disease,
diabetes, alcoholism, depression and so on," Meaney added.

"The higher the level of stress hormones that you produce, the greater the
vulnerability to stress-related illness."

Meaney and colleagues measured the brain chemicals in baby rats that had
highly attentive mothers, who groomed and actively cuddled them them while
feeding. They compared these to brain chemicals in baby rats whose mothers
were not so active.

They looked specifically at pituitary adenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),
which is involved in the release of hormones by the brain's adrenal cortex
-- including stress hormones like corticosterone.

Other hormones produced along with ACTH are enkephalins and endorphins,
which affect mood and responses to pain.

As adults, the rats whose mothers had licked and groomed them more had
significantly reduced levels of hormones like ACTH in response to stress.
There were no differences in normal hormone levels.

Meaney's team could directly correlate the amount of licking they got as
babies to the amount of hormone produced in response to stress as adults.
"That, I will tell you right now, surprised me," Meaney said.

Rats have different relationships with their babies than humans, but Meaney
said the human equivalent of licking would be obvious. "I think basically
cuddling, nurturing, and instilling a sense of confidence -- (saying) 'I
love you, I'm glad you're my baby' and so on."

Meaney said animals like rats and humans both lived in a variety of
environments and this response could be a way of programming babies for the
particular niche they would grow up in. Babies destined to live stressful
lives would thus be ready to respond more effectively and escape
stress-related illness.

Robert Sapolsky, a biologist at California's Stanford University, said the
rat study should spur research on what happens in humans.

"We are in an era filled with parental quandaries such as the type of
daycare to provide, the inner-city specter of the dissolution of the
family, teen pregnancy, and low government spending on child-related social
services during critical periods of brain development," he wrote in a

Research published earlier this week found that teenagers who had close
relationships with their parents were less likely to have behavioral problems.

By MAGGIE FOX, Reuters Health and Science Correspondent
Copyright 1997
Copyright 1997 Reuter Information Service