

 Fri, 12 Sep 1997 07:39:36 -0400
From:    Nancy Pearl Solomon <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: speech/voice problems

Dear Nancy,

I wrote to you about a week ago giving you my ideas on the topic of speec=
in PD.  Since that time I have found another approach which has come very=

close to normalizing my speech.  =

I have had PD for some 16 years and have taken Sinemet in one form or
anther for 14 years. Most recently I have been taking 15 to 18 50/200 CR'=
daily.  However, about 3 1/2 weeks ago I began titrating myself onto
Mirapex the powerful new D3 receptor site agonist.  I am now up to about
4mg per day.  More importantly I have been able to completely D/C my
Sinemet, Parlodel and Amantadine.  This is my 5th day without any Sinemet=
=2E =

During these past 5 days my speech has been very close to normal where
before I was unintelligible the majority of the day.  I can't of course s=
this is a solution for everyone or even whether I will be able to remain
off of Sinemet but it certainly is delightful for the present.

