

tom riess,

Please, tell me more about the device.  I have heard myself on the
answering machine and it isn't pretty.  I would also really like to find
out some more about who could give me those injections on the east coast,
though.  Barb Mallut had a lot of the other symptoms as well in addition to
low volume (stuttering, too fast, not getting which words to use right,
etc) and she said they all corrected.
I'm only on 1 1/2  25/100's 3 times a day.  The new neuro I went to on
Monday is increasing my Permax from 2   .25mg"s 3 times a day to 4 of them
3 times a day over a 2 week period.  He said he's been involved with
Mirapex "for year" in the trial period and called it a "me too drug."  I
suppose he meant he thinks it's no better or worse than Permax, just that
certain people benefit from one and others benefit from the other one.
Seems to be the case.
Please let me know more about this DAF.  Thanks,  Bruce A. (51, 3)
From: tom riess <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: speech alternatives
Date: Friday, September 12, 1997 12:46 PM

Date:    Fri, 12 Sep 1997 00:31:53 -0400
From:    "B.Bruce Anderson" <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Bruce,

There are a couple other possibilities for normalizing your speech
particularly if this is more than just a voice volume problem. One is
through the use of Delayed Audio Feedback (DAF).  This is a system whereby
one hears one's own voice as one speaks but slightly delayed.  This has the
potential to normalize speech.  If you are interested I can tell you how to
rig up an ersatz DAF unit for trial. The other possibility is reducing the
amount of Sinemet you are taking if you take a lot.  This can be
accomplished by taking Mirapex the new D3 receptor site agonist which has
the potential for dramatic decreases in the amount of Sinemet you take.

