

Dear Bruce,

The device you inquired about is called a Delayed Audio Feedback (DAF)
unit.  They were originally developed to treat stutterers but fell on
disfavor as a training modality.  I descovered however that in some peopl=
the DAF can essentially normalize PD speech.  The problem is that so far =
I know only one company has them (and this is only a small left over
inventory) and they charge a whopping $800 for them.  I have modified the=

unit by increasing its gain.  The subject wears a headphone (like a Sony
Walkman) and a small mike.  When he speaks he hears his own voice but
slightly delayed (by a few milliseconds). =

If you have an Exploratorium kind of place near you (where scientific
devices are on display to the public) you may find a DAF there so you can=

test yourself. =

There is a way to rig up an ersatz DAF for about $200 dollars. Go to radi=
shack and for about $25 you can buy their minimicrophone.  You also need =
stereo to mono jack to connect your headphones.  You have to find an
electronic music store (where they sell electric guitars and keyboards) a=
purchase a reverb/delay unit (Boss makes a good one, get the DD3 model).
This is meant to be controlled by one's foot but it's easy to remove the
pedal control and operate it manually. Next you would need a mini amp suc=
as Fender's Mini Twin.  Have the store employee show you how to connect t=
cables.  Put on the unit and adjust the feedback until you hear a single
echo after you say something and you are ready to go. =

Good luck, remember  this won't work for everyone.

