

Hi barb and ken {!!]

[good golly, where'd that capital H come from?]

barb wrote:

>Many times - but not every time - fluorescent lighting
>will trigger that "internal tremor" feeling.  And when
>I go to a movie, I spend the first 1/2 hour or so feeling
>like my insides have turned into jello!   Prior to my
>pallidotomy, I got TERRIBLE dyskenesia throughout any
>movie I sat thru

ken wrote:

>In the USA, as far as I know in all states, the electrical
>current pulsates at 60 Hertz, originally known as
>60 Cycles-per-second, so every appliance or device that..
>.. being interupted by the fan blade at a repetitive rate, or a
>light bulb being interupted by the fan blades. If you have 4
>blades blocking a light at 60 cycles per second, the eye sees
>15 flashes a second. parkinson tremors are said to be in the
>range of 8 to 15 cycles per second....... When my dad was able
>to walk around, he seemed to have less problem with freezing
>in the light of the sun, basically a non-pulsed source of light,
>then when inside under a 60 cycle driven lighting system.

i don't know if this has any relevance here
but my understanding is that there is definitely a relationship
between a certain rate/speed of flashing light i.e. 'strobe' lights,
or sun/shadows while driving e.g. down a tree-lined street
and the chance of 'triggering' a seizure in epileptics

i have had several eeg [electro-encephalo-graph] tests
over the years, to measure my interesting brain waves,
including at my pd diagnosis

a strobe light effect is part of this test
and almost always was guaranteed to get me so dizzy
that i asked the technician to stop

... for what it's worth ...
... planting more seeds in the archives ...

your brainy syber-sys


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