

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     deg. F
 Dear Barb,

We're talking about an organization that SUPPOSEDLY is part of the
solution to PD, but which treated me like dirt.

The NPF treated me far, far, worse than any business has ever, ever done.
 The worst in my enitre life so far.

It's not a vendetta. It's an effort to WARN listmembers about the NPF,
and  an attempt to get back the money I saved and borrowed, to travel
3000 miles with a CNA on duty the whole time, after the NPF abandoned the
appointment that I had invested in.

I don't understand yet why you oppose this effort, and I hope youill
change your  position on the matter.

I conisder your presence wonderful, and the gestapo I am talking abut is
the NPF executives.  Although Mr. Pearson was sorry for me, I later
received, over the kitchen  speakerphone, a nasty attack from the NPF's
Emilio -------(Mendoza?).  I think he is the NPF's Preesident or CEO.

  THREE of my friends witnessed this call from him. His attack was their
response to my pleas for help to get my money back, or be flown back
there for a 2nd try.

I no longer would go back there!

Yours very sincerely,


On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 07:55:32 -0400 Barbara Patterson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Hi, Ivan.  I don't mind revealing to our list members that I was the
>one who
>made the phone call to you.  I am NOT an ally of NPF or UPF or APDA or
>any other Parkinson's organization except that our goal is the same:
>increase the quality of life of those of us with Parkinson's and our
>caregivers until a cure is found.  I receive no funding for running
> time is volunteered; my computer equipment was bought and
>for by me.
>Since the University of Toronto offers this service at no cost to us,
>I try
>to be alert to any possible mis-use of their generosity.  That
>in my opinion, any continued personal vendettas against anything but
>disease itself.  (That definitely includes chain letters!)
>As I explained in my phone call, last week I was unable to do much
>with/for the list because my husband's sister had died after years of
>fighting cancer...she was just about the best sister-in-law a person
>could ask for.  So, I was playing 'catch-up' at work and with the
>Rather than post a message to the list or to you, I felt that a
>phone call was the best way to deal with this without hurting your
>feelings which was never my intention.  (After a long day at work,
>'hesitating' is about the best my voice gets.  I'm sorry if it made it
>more difficult to explain myself but I did my best.)
>I must admit, Ivan, that I really am annoyed at the 'gestapo' comment.
>My only enemy is Parkinson's.  My contribution to the war with
>Parkinson's is this list.  Let's use it to the best of our abilities.
>Barbara Patterson
>[log in to unmask]
>HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext.
>                        School of Nursing