

Have I done enough?
Some 36 years ago a child asked this question as, holding onto the wall,
he fought his way to breakfast. On arriving at the table he heard his
say, "the chair is in your room, use it".
That day the choice was made for him and no answer was offered or given.
Today an adult faces the question again.
Tomorrow I go to be measured for a powered chair. Without knowing it,
some friends brought this question to mind. My wife, Kristen, sat through
a flood of tears as a frightened adult asked a small boy's questions.
Have I done everything I can to prevent needing this chair?
Have I tried every trick,  used every solution? Has every room been
every weapon tested? Have I fought long enough, tried hard enough?
The frightened child wants an answer but the adult knows the answer can
only be found within himself. The truth is I may only get that answer when
God totals the score. Until then, this will do. I have done and I am
doing everything I know to do to continue to do as much as I can for
as long as I can. Sounds like a declaration of war, even to me. Well, it
It is a battle for independence begun by a child of ten and continued by an
adult of forty six.  The difference between the child and the adult are
But one I  hold  to are friends. The child was basically alone, I won't go
that. But I have friends. At home and work they offer love, support, and
encouragement. I have other friends as well, friends in Australia, Denmark,
Sweden, The United States, and, well everywhere!
I want to thank these friends from #Parkinsons, some of you got the edge
 of a problem that's building for a while. But one of you caught Sunday
what was left after Kristen handled the worst of the tears. I thought I had
handle on it but the words just tumbled out. Thank you ever so much for

I'll let you know the model and color as soon as I know them.

Marvin Giles \ WerPuppy