

Hello, USA readers!

My experience in meeting with Vince Snowbarger (R, very to-the-right, KS) has really brought home to me the value of personal contacts with legislators.  So, please, even if your Senators and Congresspeople are already cosponsors, contribute to this we-hope-final push for Udall passage.

As I understand it, the conferees resolving differences between the House & Senate versions of the appropriations measure will come from the respective Appropriations subcommittees for Labor,Health, Human Services Education etc.  The subcommittees are:


 Specter (PA)     Harkin (IA)
 Cochran (MS)   Hollings (SC)
 Gorton (WA)     Inouye (HI)
 Bond (MO)       Bumpers (AR)
 Gregg (NH)       Reid (NV)
 Faircloth (NC)    Kohl (WI)
 Craig (ID)           Murray (WA)
 Hutchison (TX)    Byrd (WV)
 Stevens (AK)


 John Edward Porter, Ill., Chairman
 C.W. Bill Young, Fla.           David R. Obey, Wis.
 Henry Bonilla, Texas                 Louis Stokes, Ohio
 Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Okla.    Steny H. Hoyer, Md.
 Dan Miller, Fla                         Nancy Pelosi, Calif
 Jay Dickey, Ark.               Nita M. Lowey, N.Y.
 Roger F. Wicker, Miss.            Rosa DeLauro, Conn.

If any of these people represent you, please ask them to retain Udall language in the compromise bill.
If none of these are "yours", contact your people and ask them to "Dear Colleague" subcommittee members and urge them to retain Udall language.

I think we have cause for optimism, but we don't dare stop now; please help.

Mary Rack
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