

I was diagnosed with PD in 1995 at the age of 66.  Went on Sinamet
CR(250-300 mg / day).  The Sinamet gave me horrific nightmares and sleep
interruption.  This was corrected by taking Melatonin nightly.  While the
Sinamet helped with many of my PD symptoms, it did not improve my fatigue
and depression.  I began a daily pill of DHEA (25mg/day).  This gave me
some relief (20%) with my fatigue and depression.  At the same time I went
on a vitamin suppliment program.  Yikes!!!!  This is the person that
heretofore would not take even an aspirin, but a desperate situation calls
for desperate measures.  About 1 month ago, I started taking NADH
(5mg/day).  I noticed a real increase in my energy level immediately.
After three weeks I increased the dosage to 7.5mg/day.  As a result of
this, I was able to reduce my Sinamet to 1.5 mg/day.  Great, (I worry about
Sinamet side-effects)

To anyone out there taking NADH for PD, please let me know your findings.

With Thanks,

Gil Gaudry