

Hi Julian,

Welcome.  There are no dumb questions.

"On" and "Off" in Parkiespeak,  referes to whether or not
your body is responding to your PD medications (especially
the levodopa meds, Sinemet and Madopar which I see are
as yet in your future).

Not everybody experiences the "on"/"off" syndrome; some
PWP (People with Parkinson's) seem to level out and maintain
a 'plateau'.  Others experience the "on"/"off" syndrome from
the first, and a great many develop it as the disease progresses.

In short:

"Off" - 1. the medications are not being effective.
        2. PD symptoms predominate.
        3. The PWP is slow, freezes, is prone to fall, has tremor,
             experiences rigidity etc.
        4. The severity of the PD symptoms varies from mild to
             extreme depending on the stage to which the disease
             has progressed.

"On" -  1. the medications are being effective.
        2. The PWP moves more freely (hence your associating
            "On" with movement), tremor and rigidity are significantly
        3. As the disease progresses the "On" periods tend to shorten
           and can involve medication related side affects.

Hope this is some help.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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