

hi julian

you wrote:
>I hope this isn't a dumb question

my philosophy is that the only dumb question
is the one that doesn't get asked

>terminology of  being "on" or "off" as PD patient

i remember wondering the same thing a few years ago
when i was a newbie to this game

i am intimately familiar with the conditions now
but my terminology tends to be 'kicked in' or 'kicked out'
irregardless, i am always 'kicking'!

i believe that either
[a] as the disease progresses or
[b] as we become more sensitive to levodopa
the levodopa tolerance 'window' of beneficeal effect gets narrower

so at one side,
we are more vulnerable to symptoms of levodopa overdose -
dyskinesia or uncontrolled movement seems to be the 'cue'
in my case i get 'twitchy' - e.g. if i happen to be in a restaurant
i'm always losing my napkin or my shoes under the table

and then at the other side,
we are more likely to have symptoms of levodopa underdose -
in my case, i 'stiffen up' and can't walk, run, or gallop

so eventually we all face the challenge of 'fine tuning'
in terms of dose level or timing to find out what works best

the 'kick-in' time frame can be a matter of minutes or even seconds

i'm afraid my kitty-kids have been traumatized
by having a mother
who is so stiff she can hardly shuffle ten feet per hour
instantly convert to one
who chases them around the house for the fun of it

your syber-sys in syllynyss


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