

hi listfriends:)

another poem:

Winter has gone, spring lasted a week,
The sun is glancing through the clouds,
Raindrops are touching my cheek,
Why is mother nature so proud?
She has made some ingenious stuff,
Two of those, she made very clever,
Called "brains", one is not enough,
and the braincells, not staying forever.
"Fading out of the braincells", the neurologist said,
"Oh, just a few pills, and your worries are gone"
"What??!!, don't they help?, that's too bad"
Still kept on trying, but now on her own.
To find a better world, get rid of PD!
New brains?, new transmitters?, new cells?,
Maybe it gives a new life, for you and me,
if not a new life, maybe a better one, who tells??
Kees Paap
June 11, 1995