

Re: Frequent smaller doses for advanced PWPs
Is it just me, or did anyone else boggle at the statement given to Bob by the
two neurologists (see below) ??

> >I've discussed liquid Sinemet and the issue of frequent smaller doses of
> >Sinemet vs. less frequent larger doses with two neuro's at the Kansas
> >University Neurological Foundation.   Both are widely known PD and movement
> >disorder specialists who see a number of other List members.  My
> >understanding from both conversations is that the body responds more
> >predictably to less frequent larger doses, regardless of the method of
> >administration and that increased dosing frequency often results in more
> >on/off swings.

This betrays a shocking lack of understanding of the problems faced by
older PWPs. Yes, the body does respond more predictably to a larger dose -it
goes into wild dyskinesias. They also seem to be ignorant of the significance
of the on/off phenomenon when they say that 'increased dosing frequency
resulrs in more on/off swings'. This just seems to be a statement of the
blindingly obvious : If you take one big dose, you will experience one
cycle of symptoms: If you take five (smaller) more frequent doses (of a
size carefully chosen to take you to the switch point), you may experience
five on/off swings, but they will be minor and acceptable compared to the
person given the single big dose.

You will note that I started to choose my words more carefully towards the
end of that last paragraph: That is because when dealing with PWPs who are
long-term sufferers, there are no guaranteed rules to work with. Maybe
each person has his own small variation and the trick is to decipher
those variables, but it can be very rewarding if you hit the right spot.

I firmly believe that it is by a philosophy along these lines, together
with a readiness to test and analyse the parameters, that I have managed
to maintain a reasonable quality of life. It makes me fume to hear the
stories of some patients (and as Secretary of the local branch of the
PDS I hear plenty) and to realise how much suffering can be caused by a
ill-judged prescrtiption. What do you tell a 75 year old 8-year PWP, who has
been prescribed 8 Artane tabs per day (Nothing else)?   Oops, I nearly
got started on one of my hobby-horses then. Time to sign off.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>