

It is a very interestng discussion

The Canadian  (my) experience  meant a trip to Toronto from Newfoundland
3-4 hrs by air for a 1day assessment
home to wait months for my turn
back to Toronto --another air ticket
into hospital Wed afternoon for op next am
delay opfinally at 3:30 pm finished just after 6 pm
 out of Recovery room and back to my room 7pm
checked by dr next day at 4 pm  said I could stay another night
as it wAs less than 24 hrs after surgery
left hospital Sat am
had to wait 1 week before flying home to NF
review of improvement done here in NF
It is a lot easier if youlive in Toronto

I am giving " a patient's view of Pallidotomy" at our Newfoundland
Conference next week

Anne Rutherford