

Those of you who attended the Parkinson's Unity Walk last year may remember
our stretching instructor, Bill Grant.  You can learn more about him at his
new web site:

The following is taken from Bill's Bio in the site.

"Bill Grant is a former Mr. America and Mr. World who brings his
professional expertise,
direction, views and opinions to the worldwide audience of the Internet,
World Wide Web and
online communities.

Grant is a world renown professional fitness expert, U.S. and International
champion body
builder and professional personal trainer covering all aspects of fitness.
He specializes in fitness
for baby boomers and seniors over 40."

So what does body-building have to do with Parkinson's?  Besides the fact
that Bill has been kind enough to advertise the Parkinson's Unity Walk on
his site, exercise and muscle tone are very important weapons in the
arsenal of weapons we have to fight PD.  Once again this year he will be
leading groups in stretching exercises before the Walk.

Check out Bill's site to see what a 55 year-old guy SHOULD look like.

Ken Aidekman

Fund the Research.  Find the Cure.