

In a message dated 97-09-24 16:03:05 EDT, Barbara Mallut writes:

<<  I bet enough would attend, no matter where such an event was held that it
 still be a wonderful experience.  >>

I tend to agree with Barbara on this.  The mail on this system has expanded
my PD family from our Northern Virginia support group worlwide from the UK
(Brian, Jeremy, ..) to Germany (Dietmar..), France (Bernard, Benedicte...),
Canada (Denis, Anne...), Netherland (Ida...), Denmark (Sonia...), Australia
(Dennis...), Spain (Ana Mari,...), etc.
It is a joyful experience to be able to communicate via E-mail to Korea,
Sardinia, Argentina,... in English, French, Spanish...
The world is ever so large and yet the virtual familial bonds reduce it to
manageable byte (pun intended) size.
The report from K. Holden whets the desire to meet this family.  Barbara
Mallut is a great morale booster for this PD community.  Thanks a heap.

Michel Margosis
Carpe Diem (does not mean 'a fish a day...')