

Hi listfriends :)

the poem i promised you:

            Udall Bill
My dream came through at last.
I booked a flight for across the sea,.
It is from the time I visited my friends in Canada,
That I wanted to see the states and many friends with PD.
In combination with a visit to Washington,
Where I learned about the UDALL BILL,
And how to combine our energy,
We all learned how to use our skills.
To use our emotions in our struggle for more,
Up to now we preferred to hide them for the world,
but now we stand for our rights!!
Like Jim Cordy's honey
Deborah, as small as she is,
she climbed her chair!
And demanded for her birthday a cure
to give her that, we need to cooperate,
get this Udall Bill through the senate! She pleeded,
she didn't seek it for herself,
but for her husband Jim.
He is one of the fighters for this Udal Bill,
together with Barbara, Lucy, Mary,
Jack, Dale, Margaret Ken and many others,
for all the millions suffering from this hidden disease,
rich and poor, famous and unknown, women and men,
everyone can become a sufferer of this disease,
let the world take note of our existense
and that we want to be cured,
Not in a decade or in 15 years,
we want it NOW!!
The possibilities are there,
We justhave to stand up!.
Show all the nations who we are,
and how we and our relatives suffer,
how our caregivers are involved,
that makes another millions of effected people ,.
Where aer we ? Stand up and show your face to the world,
together with our partners, kids caregivers and friends.
We must be able to form a human questionmark for help,
we don't ask for much,
just a 100 dollar per patient,
per year, for the next five years,
better known as the Udall Bill.
Stand up and show your faces now !!
In every country yoiu're needed!
In every country we need people,
like the Cordy's and the Martone's,
Levetts and Ariens, Andersensand Guillots and many others,
we need you also, you without a name
and you and you and you!!
Stand up and write to your government,
visit them and tell them what we want,
We don'tasak much, just one thing : a cure,
and we want it now!!
So make yourself known as one of us,
You're all needed, our number will be our power,
and our request is just simple : support us,
in our search for Deborah's birthday present!.
Kees Paap
August 12, 1997