

My wife of ten years marriage is leaving me...says she can no longer cope
with the stress and sadness of my decline. She has her own business and for
the last 18 months has been the sole financial support for us (no
children..both sets of parents retired on fixed income with their own health
problems)My symptoms have worsened (onset 1988/diagnosed '90...honeymoon
period until '93)...closed my business in '95, fought with Social Security
for almost 2 years for meager monthly disability check, gave up active
social life because of rigidity, freezing, unpredictable wearing off. Pretty
much homebound...can't drive ...using wheelchair more (grudgingly)....have
wonderful support from extended family of old friends in N GA who say they
admire my strength & courage...really I'm stubborn and in the past always a
tough competitor in sports.(tournament croquet player until '94)
 I'm a young 55 my wife 50....complete role reversal because of my PD.
For the first time I'm main caregiver wants a divorce and
I'm overwhelmed...walking that thin line between over and under
dosage...maxed out on Sinemet, Parlodel, Eldeprel..
My main joy is my artwork/art therapy while living on 5 acres in N. GA
foothills. Suddenly I 'm in conversations  about divorce mediation,
advocates, selling our home to split the equity, assisted living facilities,
hospital beds, attorneys & on & on...
My wife approaches the matter in fast forward while I feel I'm in slow
motion...reacting to her agenda, staving off abusive verbal
attacks....dealing with her anger.
Surely some of you must have gone thru this hell..
Mickey   email  <[log in to unmask]>