

Barb - well put!

>leaving the YOU-as-the-PD-patient, or is your WIFE saying "I didn't bargain
>for this "caregiver" stuff for the rest of my life 'cause it's like being
>sentenced to a life-term in prison for me!  AND this marriage ain't so hot

I don't know any of the guys writing about divorce, so I can't judge their
personal situations.  But I know of plenty of marriages where neither partner
has a health problem, yet the husband was equally shocked when the wife left
- even though she'd been trying to tell him for YEARS that something needed
to change!

I also know of PWPs who had striking personality changes once the PD really
took hold.  PD IS a life sentence for the PWP, and most caregivers will stick
around and deal with all that entails, voluntarily serving their own life
sentence along with the loved one.  But in the cases where the PWP is mad at
the whole darned world for his lousy breaks in life, and finds the caregiver
the handiest target of abuse (whether anger, rudeness,   unreasonable
demands, not speaking to her for days on end because HE'S depressed and SHE
doesn't have PD), then why in the world would anyone without a martyr complex
choose to stick that out?  AND if the marriage was no great shakes to begin
with, there comes a time when any caregiver in her right mind just needs to
"save" herself!

Margie Swindler      [log in to unmask]