

hey gang

i just saw our cyber-sibling on cnn headline news
'showing off' his many inventions re assisting visual cues in parkies

they even showed how easily he could walk just fine on stilts
while still unable to do other than 'shuffle' under 'normal' conditions

i remember first hearing about tom in the fall of 1995 in connection
with blue glasses, and how they assisted some parkies with dyskinesia

he has contributed other suggestions to the list family
such as in re strips of tape stuck to the floor/carpet as visual cues
to aid in 'freezing' while walking

more serious research is definitely called for in this area
i had no idea how hard and how thoroughly
tom has been working on these areas
tom called it an obsession
i call it inspired!

i was also touched
[as the isle-olated parkie with no 'three-dee' connection yet]
to see tom and a colleague [female - was that you rita???]
demonstrating their 'before', 'shuffle' walk style
and their 'after' walk style

good show, tom!
and good timing, cnn?
for tying in this story with the new york walk today?

your syber-sybling


how is it possible that a being
with such sensitive jewels as the eyes
such enchanted musical instruments as the ears
and such a fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain
can experience itself as anything less than a god?

                alan watts

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