


Very well spoken.
>From the day PD entered OUR marriage we have looked at it as a third,
uninvited, unwanted, "visitor".  It sleeps with us, eats with us, goes
everywhere with us.   Neither one of us (Bob w/PD) want it here; but NO ONE
or ANYTHING would scare me away from the person I love, so it's the three of
us now. And that's just the way it is.  I also know that if I were sick Bob
would stick by me too.

P.S. Re: Cyber Reunion -- we like the sound of Vegas too.

Jackie & Bob

>I believe as awful as this disease is to US, it's JUST AS AWFUL for our
>respective spouses, life-partners, etc!!!  Just "different-awful...." for
>How many of US would give everything we've got to wake up one day and
>be RID of the damn PD?
>It takes a very special partner to hang in there for the long haul, AND a
>special relationship.  If the love that was there at the beginning has long
>since been eroded by the many other things that can undermine the
>of a marriage, why then would you expect your spouse to continue living in
>same house with you in a caregiver role year after
>year after endless year?
>It's bad enough that I'M held prisoner by the PD - I sure don't want to be
>someone ELSES jailer ALONG with my disease putting them in that role.
>Barb Mallut
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