

Bonnie wrote:

>My brother recently mentioned that he & his wife were going to add on to
>their house making a separate but joined home for my parents. I was wondering
>if any of you who have had home built could pass on any specific suggestions
>or recomendations. My dad is doing well enough now, but our family is looking
>into the future.

Just off the top of my head - here are a few thoughts--but I am no expert.

Wider than normal doorways to allow access with wheelchair or walker frames.

Patterns (?tiles) which "lead" from one area to another -to provide visual
walking cues.

Open plan space, no narrow hallways.

Build ensuite close to bed - with hand rails for finding way at night.

Taps - with swing on and off function, easy to turn, with mixed hot and cold.

No carpets which tend to make people "stick"

Cork floors are warm and soft and easy care.

Rubber backed rugs (if you must have rugs) which don't slip.

Higher than normal chairs (with arm rests to push up on) with firm bases
which can't be tipped over.

Higher than normal bed height - makes bedmaking and getting in and out easier.

No low soft sofas.

You may like to know that the Parkinson's Association of WA recently gave a
grant to a local researcher who presented the results of this research (and
a subsequent Churchill Fellowship) at the Perth Conference.  A report by
Gretta Peachment (Consultant, Facilities and Planning, the Homes of Peace,
Perth WA) titled "Designing The Environment for End-Stage Parkinson's
Disease" is available from our Association office.

Whilst I realise that "end or "late" stage PD is not what you were thinking
of, and I don't want to suggest that everyone will need such drastic
alterations in home environment, I do know that there are some little
things which can make a huge difference in the built environments of both
home and outside.

We, for example, have just purchased a new vehicle and one of the
specifications were that it be high up off the ground to make access
easier.  So we bought one of the baby 4 wheel drives and Bob finds getting
in and out a breeze now.

If you would like to email me off list with your details (including your
snail mail address) I can give you details. The report won't be available
for another few weeks due to production details.


Joy Graham
(CG Bob, PD 7+ years)