

After trying chairs, recliners,beds,couches; after going from room to room,
wandering most the night I became desperate and sought professional help for
my sleeplessness problem. A hospital bed was prescribed, and in short order
my old bed and mattress were gone, replaced by an electrical marvel that It
could do everything.

You could adjust for bent legs and straight back; bent back and straight
legs. Head high, feet low; feet high, head low. It came with a control that
put you in almost any concievable position.

But the bed was not designed by some simpleton so it would jerk you around
and up and down at the press of a button. Nosiree. Changes come gradually and
you can't tell right off if you are getting the change you want. You wait for
the bed to utter a few moans and groans. Then it very gradually makes its
move; accelerating as it goes. By the time you have a clear idea of what the
bed is doing you may find yourself sliding to the foot of the bed. You pushed
the wrong button!

A call of nature may cause you to seek a lower bed for easier dismounting..
If you press the up button by mistake, when you get to the edge of the bed
youi may find yourself looking  down into an abyss, a daering bungee jump.
Don't wait till the last minute to answer nature's calls.It takes the bed a
while to slow, stop, reverse. In time I will master this gadget and it will
prove its worth.