

Jaoa wrote:
"Joan I am interested with the results you will experience futher. How are
your side tremor : mild or not ? Can they imobilize you or only annoy you ? I
have only in the right side and are mild or weak and besides do not have
headaches problems.Could'nt be too strong your dose of Mirapex?"

Hi Jaoa!
   I have been describing my tremor as severe, but when I read your second
question I think it must be somewhere between moderate and severe.  It is no
longer mild.  It goes through my entire arm and sometimes shakes my head.  My
left leg also shakes.  The tremor, however,  does not immobilize me.  It does
annoy me.  I think my present dose of Mirapex (2.25mg/day) might be too
strong for my headaches, but my tremor doesn't seem lessened by any level of
Mirapex I have tried so far.  I was hoping not to work up to a high dose, but
my only purpose for trying it is to control the tremor and that's not
happening yet so I don't know what else to do, but keep increasing the dose.
Thank you for your note and your concern.  I'll keep in touch, and hopefully
I will report more positive news next time.
Best to you,
Joan (56/8/Mirapex)