

Hello Lanier,   Joyce here  52 years old  PD 14 years.

Welcome to our PD family.  You ar amoung the most knowledgeable lay group
that exists in the PD world and although we are not and do not propose that
we are medically trained to give adivse,  you will read here the REAL STORIES
which you must know to have the best quality of life for yourself.  Your
CareGivers (CG) will learn a lot of what you are going through and therefore
you should encourage some of them to keep up with all that is spoken about

You are with fellow PD'ers so no question you have probably hasn't been asked
before but there is no problem in asking again.

from reading your initial posting may I strongly suggest that you seek a
neuroligst who is a specialist in MOVEMENT DISORDER and knows PD.  The visits
to the neuro are not that often,  so even if you have to travel some distance
to get the best in your area,  DO IT.   This is unfortunately a lifetime
situation which has great promise of controlling but only if you are under a
 knowledgeable neuro.

Good luck and stay in touch

