

Joan Dykstra wrote:

>    I've been trying Mirapex, too, and have worked up to 2.25 mg/day.  I was
> supposed to increase to 3 mg/day this week, but the headaches were more than
> I could manage so I'm sticking to 2.25 mg/day for awhile.  I still have
> headaches.  They come on about an hour after I take the Mirapex, but they
> aren't so bad at 2.25 as they were at 3.  I don't think there's any magic in
> any of these numbers (such as 1.5mg as you mentioned).  Each one of us has to
> find what works for us.  My main symptom is a left side tremor and I'm not
> sure if it is being affected by the Mirapex or not.  It certainly hasn't gone
> away.  I'm going to hang in there for another month, and then I will evaluate
> and make a decision as to whether to stick with it or not.

Joan I am interested with the results  you will experience futher. How are your
side tremor : mild or not ? Can they imobilize you or only annoy you ? I have
only in the right side and are mild or weak and besides do not have headaches
problems.Could'nt be too strong your dose of Mirapex ?

Best wishes,
 Joao Paulo