

hi ken

you wrote:
>... but she is at the age where hormones can
>do bad things to her mental processes....

ken, ken, ken!
i know you've had a couple of smacks already for this crack
but i can't resist adding my own!

in my humble opinion
my [female] experience with personality changes due to hormones
has given me insight into the area of behaviours/brain chemistry

i might even venture to suggest that the female experience
tends to give women more insight than men
in this area

as a broad generalization, of course,
i'd rather have a menopausal woman at the helm
[full of insight-induced caution]
than a menopausal man
[full of denial-induced aggression]

strange about male menopause
it does exist
as you acknowledge
but there's a movement afoot to re-name it 'andro-pause'
i wonder why?

your menopausal syber-syblyng


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