

Ivan.... DEAR Ivan.... Please.... PLEASE.. if you feel you MUST pursue this
personal issue which I realize is of deep importance to you, then could you...
WOULD you... PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE consider doing so in email to those
List-members whom you kNOW want to be involved in this PERSONAL issue of

IIIIIIIIIIIIIVAN!!! <---- Barb SCREEEEEEAMS at her friend Ivan whom she
sincerely cares about)  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya, Ivan...

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ivan M Suzman
Sent:   Tuesday, September 30, 1997 10:32 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Please respond

 October 1, 1997

Melinda Brown
Director of Public Relations
National Parkinson Foundation
Miami, Florida

Dear Ms. Brown:

  Because you are the Director of Public Relations at the National
Parkinson's Foundation, I am writing to you to ask you to kindly contact
me either by e-mail or by telephone, to resolve a painful matter that is
upsetting the Parkinson's Community every time it is mentioned, but which
cannot be left unresolved.

  For two and a half years, I have  very patiently tried, to the point of
near exhaustion, many avenues to recover the very substantial expenses  I
incurred, when the  confirmed medical appointment made for me by your NPF
staff, to see Dr. Sanchez-Ramos  on May 17, 1995 at 2:00 PM,  for which I
travelled to Miami from Maine, accompanied by a  Certified Nurse's Aide
on duty at all times, did not happen because no doctor showed up.

  I am writing you with a copy sent to the World Parkinson's Exchange
List, from which I have received many supportive, public e-mail letters
about my ordeal. Most recently, three Listmembers have publicly posted
that an apology is due me, as well as financial reimbursement  Many
previous letters have been similar..

  I have still not heard anything at all from the NPF. The issue created
by the absence of a physician to see me is being heightened and
complicated by the lack of response from the NPF.

  Please do whatever you can to bring this still very painful experience
to resolution.

  I live carefully on small Social Security DIsability monthly checks,
and am in my 10th year of struggling with Young Onset Parkinson's
DIsease. This is not easy.  I truly cannot afford the financial loss that
has occurred to me. I had great hopes for wonderful treatment at the NPF,
but these hopes were shattered.

  Rather than my going in the direction of lawyers, I would truly
appreciate it if you would help to work this all out without them. I want
to believe that the NPF shares with me  the view that a legal approach is

  The Listmembers have had to share, some very gracefully but some
extremely uncomfortably an enormous amount of pain that I have  uneasily
had to unburden.  I do believe you can help restore a sense of balance,
as well as the now severely questioned reputation of the NPF.

  Pleases break the NPF's silence and help end the ordeal.

                      Yours very truly,

                       Ivan M. Suzman
                       Portland, Maine
                     Tel: (207) 797-8488; e-mail: [log in to unmask]