

Hi !

Just an up date - we took my dad to the neuro on Mon - Doc wasn't happy that
he couldn't tolerate 3 whole Sinemets (mom got him to 2 (0.5 -4 times a day)
but beyond that he got miserable ! Doc also wasn't happy that he wasn't walking
well (no arm swing etc) ... but decided to try the Mirapex ... and changing the
Sinemet to 0.5 three time a day (1.5 total)

so day 1 (one 0.125 pill) - no problem
   day 2  (three 0.125mg +  3 half Sinemet tabs) - felt OK -
          actually ASKED for a  dougnut ! (Dad has gone from 6' 210 lbs
          to a stooped 6' 178 lbs since Jan)
          so far so good !

he's to maintain this for one week - then move to 0.25 three times a day.
No other reduction in Sinemet yet - wants to see how he walks first.
Doc gave him one sheet of instructions. Has anyone called UpJohn - do they
have anything else - any patient info booklets ?

Doc also said exercise and walking VERY important ! Walk - walk and when your done
walk some more ! He said none of his PD patients are in wheel-chairs (except one
who has arthritis and had a stroke) ... so that was encouraging.

Doc also recommends Phystherapy - my dad went last spring and it really helped him-
he tried to do the exercises at home - but its not the same ... but he doesn't
want to go again becuase he doesn't want to drive anymore. We're thinking about
getting some in-home equipment - like tred mill or some little weights.

So yesterday - he did a lot of walking and exercise ... but then last night his
legs felt a little stiff (attributing to exercise he took Nuprin and it seems to
help) - but I was wondering could it be from still too much SInemet ? Should
he cut that back more - this soon ?

Please tell that guy "john" to see a new neuro - ours is very optimistic and thats
good - if your Dr isn't optimistic how can they expect YOU to push yourself ?
I tend to believe nothing is ever hopeless and no doctor has the right to tell you

But i was wondering about support groups - I was thinking about getting my dad to
go - but if he sees people worse than him will that upset him - or will he
be encouraged by their fortitude and optimism ? Do you guys go to support meetings ?
Just to get them out of the HOUSE !


Donna (daughter of PD dad 74/ dg Jan 97)

-                  Donna Bassolino-Klimas,  Ph.D.
                   Bristol Myers Squibb Pharma. Res. Inst.
                   Department of Macromolecular Structure
                   P.O. Box 4000    Room H3812
                   Princeton, N.J.  08543 4000

                   (609) 252 4413
                   INTERNET:  [log in to unmask]
